Eye Procedures

Eye Procedures Performed in Belfast and Rockland Maine

Cataract Surgery

Should your distance or reading vision become blurred or you experience trouble driving due to glare, you may benefit from cataract surgery. In cataract surgery, the cloudy lens is removed from the eye and an artificial lens implant is put in its place. This is a day surgery performed at Waldo County General Hospital in Belfast by Dr. Morgan and Dr. Morrison and at Pen Bay Medical Center in Rockport by Dr. Morrison. For more information click this link. https://www.aao.org/eye-health/diseases/cataracts-iol-implants

Laser Surgery

Laser may be used in the office to treat secondary cataracts, retinal tears, and glaucoma.

Wet Macular Degeneration 

Treatment of wet macular degeneration may be performed by Dr. Morrison with an injection into the eye.

At Mid Coast Vision Care, the health of your eyes is our top priority. We perform careful exams and ancillary testing to evaluate the condition of your eyes and prescribe personalized care. Experience personalized eye care at our Belfast and Rockland offices.

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